Arduino UNO Rev3
Beginner! Want to become an experienced electro-coding professional? Arduino UNO Rev3 is one of those boards which carry the best coding features for the beginners looking to get into electro-coding. This could be a happy hunting ground for the future professionals. The UNO quickly becomes the most popular release by the company.
- ATmega328P Microcontroller
- 5V of operating voltage
- The recommended input voltage is from 7V to 12V (suggested by Arduino)
- Limit for the input voltage ranges from 6V to 20V
- 14 Digital input/output pins including 6 PWM output pins and 6 analog input pins
- 20mA Direct Current for each input/output pin
- 50mA Direct Current for each 3.3V pin
- 32KB flash memory (ATmega328P) with an allocation of 05KN for the bootloader
- 2KB SRAM (ATmega328P)
- 1KB EEPROM (ATmega328P)
- 13 Built-in LEDs
- Weighs only 25-grams
- L x W=68.6mm x 53.4mm
Arduino UNO Rev3 Description
For UNO Rev3 programming you’ll require Arduino’s IDE accessible from the Tools menu (select Arduino/Genuino Uno). Thanks to the pre-installed bootloader, the ATmega328 enables the programmer to launch new codes without requiring an external programmer for hardware configuration. The board’s communication system uses STK500 Protocol.
If you want to skip the bootloader, you simply need to use Arduino ISP. It’ll help the microcontroller programming (via ICSP) by bypassing the bootloader. If you are don’t know the source code for ATmega firmware, you need to seek help from Arduino repository and check for the DFU bootloader.
Loading New Firmware for UNO Rev3
Atmel’s FLIP for Windows and DFU programmer for Mac. Operating System X are used for loading new firmware. DFU programmer is also used for Linux. If not satisfied, you’ll have to change the DFU bootloader by overwriting. For this purpose, you’ll have to use an external programmer and ISP header.